Application was a total nightmare- sheer, patchy, gloopy, streaky, slow drying. Cue much rage and numerous attempts to make it right and the stink of nail polish remover that permeated my house. The first coat went on patchy/streaky, but full opacity required at least three colours. I waited at least 15 min before each layer and everything looked fine and it was dry to touch. I painted my nails around 8 pm with this one and went to bed around 12. And woke up with sheet marks all over my nails.
This was a second attempt, and it shows the streaks and bald patches(especially on my index finger), despite extra careful application. This is two coats- I could not afford any time for the third one as this would have taken all day to dry:
I still love the beautiful, floaty pastel apple green on my nails, if only from the distance. It leans towards light blue in this picture, but in life its a lot greener, less like turquoise and more like pistachio ice-cream
. I would use this again,but only when I have time to paint my nails and do nothing else all day.
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